Powers of Attorney

The Most Important Document For Long-Term Care And Incapacity

Protect Your Wishes & Prevent Exploitation

Unfortunately, Power of Attorney documents often fail to include the necessary provisions an elder law attorney needs to help you in a long-term care crisis. At the same time, these provisions must be carefully granted to the right person with checks and balances to prevent abuse. Your power of attorney can be your most important document, but it must be wisely drafted. If you do not have a power of attorney, make sure you get a long-term care friendly one from a qualified professional and not just one you downloaded from the internet. If you already have a power of attorney, you may want to have it reviewed to make sure it has what it needs to fulfill its purpose in your financial life.


Why Choose Our Team for Powers of Attorney Assistance?

  • Consult with an experienced elder law attorney on how to select and protect the powers you give
  • Assign an Agent to manage your affairs with clear, effective legal documentation
  • Avoid the heavy cost of conservatorship with the use of a power of attorney
  • Create the instructions and authority your Agent needs to navigate you safely through a long-term care crisis
  • You can trust our decades of experience working with families and seniors in Davis and Weber counties and surrounding areas.

Powers of Attorney

You can put your trust in our experience

Powers of Attorney allow one person (the principal) to delegate powers to another person (the agent). When a person becomes incapacitated without a Power of Attorney, the only other option may be to ask a court to appoint a conservator to manage the incapacitated person’s affairs. Conservatorships are expensive and burdensome to establish and maintain. They are also less flexible and restrictive for such things as long-term care or tax planning.

At the same time, powers of attorney have their potential problems. They are the most common document used to financially exploit vulnerable adults. Consequently, a poorly-drafted power of attorney or unwisely selected agent can have devastating consequences. A well-drafted power of attorney will strike a balance between authority and control to prevent you from being exploited. It will also have detailed and clear provisions for various types of financial institutions and situations so as to make sure the document will be honored and accepted.

At The ElderCare Law Firm, we have the knowledge and experience to help you make the right choices when it comes to this powerful and critical document. Contact us today to get started!


At The ElderCare Law Firm Inc., we focus on helping families enhance their lives today and secure their futures for tomorrow. We excel at guiding seniors, their children, and their families through the often confusing maze of financial and legal decisions they face.

We have carefully designed a special process to give you the best planning experience while making sure we cover all the issues that affect you and your family. Your involvement in that process will primarily consist of four meetings: Vision, Design, Delivery, and Funding Follow-Up.

Our mission at The ElderCare Law Firm is to take care of you as you go through the aging process. With our membership service, we stick with you over the longhaul to keep your planning up-to-date and provide you other essential benefits and services at a drastically reduced price.