Legal Advice for Long-Term Care

It’s Never Too Soon — Or Too Late — to Plan for Long-Term Care

Experts in Long-Term Care Payment Options

With nursing home care costing about $10,000 per month and assisted living being about $5000 per month, it doesn't take long for most people to be financially devastated by a long-term care crisis. With over two decades of experience in helping our clients work through these situations, we have the tools and planning techniques you need to survive. But time is not your friend, so call today and begin the process of deciding how you will deal with this risk in your life.


Why Choose Our Team to Plan for Long-Term Care Needs?

  • Long-term care costs are already exorbitant in many cases — and those costs are growing
  • Whether you’re pre-planning or in the midst of a crisis, we have the knowledge and expertise to help
  • We do the Medicaid applications for 6 nursing homes in Utah which means we have the knowledge and expertise to help you no matter how bad the situation.
  • You will gain peace of mind knowing you are prepared to deal with a future crisis or that you are doing the best you can to deal with an immediate one.

Paying For Long Term Care in Davis and Weber Counties

In 2024, there are approximately 7 million people living with Alzheimer’s Disease. By 2050, that number is expected to rise to 13 million. It is projected that 7 out of 10 seniors will require long-term care services during their lifetime. At the same time, long-term care costs are continually increasing. Consider the following based on 2023 nursing home cost figures for Davis and Weber County, Utah:

  • The average cost of care for a semi-private room (usually two patients) nursing home stay was $289 per day for an annual cost of $105,473.
  • For a private room, the annual nursing home cost was $127,752. (Source: Genworth  2023 Cost of Care Survey).

These costs will financially devastate most people. This is a developing long-term care crisis that everyone should address as a critical part of their financial and estate planning.

At The ElderCare Law Firm, we see first-hand how tragic a long-term care crisis can be for individuals and families. On the other hand, we also see how those who have a plan make it through these problems with much less trauma. They have peace of mind knowing they can have the care they need. Their loved ones have options in crafting the best plan for the care of their ill family member. Those who have a plan can feel self-reliant knowing they will not be a burden on their children.

As part of the planning process, we help our clients consider all their long-term care planning options, from insurance to asset protection trusts. We help those who are still healthy plan ahead and those who are already in crisis get through it with less pain and financial loss. The following links will help you understand your options when it comes to paying for a long-term care crisis:

If this distresses you and you are ready to take control of the situation, please contact the ElderCare Law Firm today to get started.